KnotsThe use of rope in the workplace was common practice until the midpoint of this century. At that time, modern materials handling techniques started to be used and the use of ropes declined. Along with this decline in the use of ropes in the work place there was also a decline in the knowledge of how to use rope safely. The more common uses of rope by the average person is the securing of a load to a personal vehicle or for recreational purposes. Both of these uses require a knowledge of how to choose and tie safe, secure knots. If this knowledge is not available, the consequences can be devastating, resulting in personal injury or the loss of personal equipment. For the last 35 years I have been learning and teaching about rope. My experience in teaching about rope has shown me that most people must be shown how to tie a knot in small, sequential steps, and they must be shown many times before they can tie a knot with confidence. In preparing this book I have attempted to design a set of teaching aids that present each selected knot, splice, or lashing in small, sequential steps. These teaching aids enable the learner to study each step and to duplicate it with a length of practice rope. The knots, splices and lashings presented in this book were selected because of their use by the Boy Scouts of America and others who are interested in outdoor recreation.
Whipping (3 methods)