



Description ----
Twine wrapped and secured to the end of a rope.
Use ----
To prevent the fraying of the end of a rope.
Comments ----
Even though "whipping" is done in several different ways, the finished "whippings" have similar appearance: the ends are secured under the turns, the length of the whipping is equal to the diameter of the rope, and all turns are parallel. Synthetic rope, rope made of plastic, should be whipped and fused to prevent the rope from fraying. Fusing helps to hold the whipping in place and the whipping helps to prevent the fused rope strands from braking apart.
Narration ------ ( For Whipping Knotboard.)
(1) Take a turn around the cleat and pull the line tight. (2) Complete a round turn around the cleat . (3) Place the line across the cleat. (4) Take a bight around one horn of the cleat. (5) Place the line across the cleat a second time. (6) Take a bight around the other horn of the cleat to form a figure eight around the horns of the cleat. (7) Repeat steps 3 through 6. (8) Form an underhand loop. (9) Place the eye of the underhand loop over the horn of the cleat. (10) Pull the underhand loop tight to form a half hitch around the horn of the cleat, this locks the rope in place.