ROPE WORKS is a book that evolved to meet the needs of Scouts and Scouters. R0PE WORKS' 97 pages are bound in a plastic comb binding that allows it to lay flat while in use. Its 6 inch by 8 1/2 inch size makes it convenient to carry as a reference source. ROPE WORKS provides detailed step by step illustrations in a knot board layout. The knot board layout clearly shows each step required to tie a knot. The detailed steps allows the user of ROPE WORKS to learn the art of knot tying, splicing, and lashing without the constant supervision of an instructor. The table of contents, glossary of terms and complete index will help you find and tie the knots you need.

Twenty-two pages of ROPE WORKS are devoted to rope making and the building of a geared rope machine.

View our sample illustrations to see what we are talking about. Then order your copy of Rope Works today by using the handy mail in order form found at our Ordering Information button.


If a knot is improperly tied or a wrong knot is used, an unsafe condition is created. Therefore it is not just enough for the teacher to teach someone how to tie a knot correctly, but it is also necessary to teach them how to use the knot correctly. Likewise it is the student's responsibility to learn how to correctly tie and use the knot. If either the teacher or the student does not accept their responsibility they are endangering themselves and others.

The most commonly used rope is right hand-lay rope; that is as you are looking at the rope, it appears to twist to the right and away from you. Because of the right-hand lay of most rope, the majority of knots hold best when tied in a right hand manner. If the knot is tied in a left-hand manner or the mirror image of its usual form, the knot may fail because the right-hand twist of the rope may cause the knot to loosen or spill more easily. This is especially true if the tension on the rope is repeatedly changed.

Thanks and safe tying.